The Mundane

               I like boring. I love monotony. To those who know me, they understand that I ride the rhythm of schedule quite well. I am delighted with how things can remain calm and ordinary, day in and day out. I don’t like disruptions. I am bad with change. I can stick with something longer than most people can. I don’t really seek new things. And sometimes, I ask myself if there is something wrong with that.

               Being in the pandemic for almost two years now, I realized that the mundane and the ordinary can also suck the life out of us. There will be days that I need to do something different just to break the monotony. There sure were instances when the monotonous becomes meaningless. Some days, our passion flickers rather than burns. Other days, I just need to literally drag myself out of bed, and remind myself that there are children waiting to hear my voice. Sometimes, dedication, commitment and passion also need discipline to thrive.

               Today, I am reminded that we can find joy in the ordinary. We can make meaning from our monotony. We can be grateful in the mundane. We can find joy in each day, because we are in the Lord. When we remember and worship God, each ordinary moment will be filled with satisfaction that can only come from Him. Coincidences become divine appointments. Conversations become opportunities to edify. Every situation becomes a calling to worship.

               Because God is in control, we can live one day at a time. Because God is our Maker, He makes everything we do meaningful.

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